Ecological Associates, Inc. | EAI Environmental Services


July 22, 2022

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With over half of the year behind us, we at EAI wanted to take a moment to recognize the individuals we have added to our team since January 2022. EAI is pleased to introduce the following team members:


Camryn Willoughby – Biologist
Field Team Lead and Lab Support
B.S. Biological Sciences (Marine Biology), Minor Chemistry, University of Southern Mississippi

Emily Hartdegen – Biologist
B.S. Natural Resource and Ecology Management, Louisiana State University

Danielle Juzwick – Biologist
Stormwater Management Inspector
M.S. Biological Oceanography, Florida Institute of Technology
B.S. Marine Biology, Waynesburg University

Codi Meeker – Biologist
Stormwater Management Inspector
B.S. Environmental Science, University of Central Florida

Joseph Penta – Field Technician
Stormwater Management Inspector

M.S. Marine Biology, Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center
B.S. Biology, Long Island University

Dani Koehler – Field Technician
Stormwater Management Inspector

B.S. Environmental Science-Conservation Ecology, California University of Pennsylvania

Kamila Dymek – Accounting/Administrative Assistant
M.S. Management, Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland
B.S. Economics, Sklodowska-Curie University, Warsaw Poland

Neha Munagala – Field Technician
B.S. Biology, University of Central Florida

Sea Turtle Technicians

Aileen Lavelle, Austin Burgess, Eva Herberg, Carley Kestranek, Savannah Green, Rachel Garbe, and Kinsey Thompson.

Returning Sea Turtle Technicians

Abbey Chaney, Cassidy Killinger, Charlotte Hunte, Deanna DeRosia, Grant Baysinger, Hailey Mitchell, Heidi Langschied, Ivana Serra, Kayla Ward, Rick Newman, Samantha Baysinger, Kelly Martin, and Samantha Downing.


Welcome to EAI! We are happy to have you on our team.























