EAI has extensive experience with the development of HCPs and Environmental Assessments (EA) in support of federal Incidental Take Permit (ITP) applications. When characterizing current and projected impacts to protected species, EAI relies on objective, scientific analyses, while employing sensitivity to local social, cultural, and economic interests. The monitoring programs, policies, and administrative procedures incorporated into our conservation plans are designed to coordinate efforts among affected stakeholders and lead to long-term stability and/or recovery of target populations.
No other organization has more experience in developing and implementing large-scale sea turtle HCP than EAI. EAI prepared the first countywide HCP in Florida (Volusia County) to protect sea turtles and piping plovers from beach driving. Following issuance of the ITP, EAI implemented the HCP and served Volusia County in the capacity of Protected Species Specialist (PSS), managing volunteer sea turtle monitoring activities on 10.5 miles of beach south of Ponce de Leon Inlet.
[Barton Springs Salamander]
[Texas Blind Salamander]
[Houston Toad]
[submerged aquatic vegetation]