EAI conducts breeding and non-breeding surveys for migratory shorebirds and seabirds in accordance with Florida Department of Environmental Protection permit conditions and procedures described in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biological opinions and U.S. Army Corps of Engineer permits. Breeding bird surveys are conducted during active construction where activities are ongoing or will be within the breeding season and are focused on beach-nesting birds, including the American oystercatcher, least tern, black skimmer, snowy plover, and Wilson’s plover. During migratory/wintering bird surveys, the date, number, location, and activity of all shorebirds sighted is recorded. If banded piping plovers are observed, the color and arrangement of the bands is recorded to determine the bird’s nesting population. EAI staff have participated in numerous shorebird monitoring programs in Florida and Mississippi and are active participants in the Volusia County, Treasure Coast, and Southeast Florida Shorebird Partnerships with the Florida Shorebird Alliance.