Ecological Associates, Inc. | EAI Environmental Services

Ichthyoplankton And Meroplankton Taxonomy

Quantification of actual or potential impacts to local and regional fisheries is an essential component of environmental impact assessments related to permitting for power plants, industrial operations, dredging, oil exploration and extraction, and subaqueous utility pipeline construction.  A key component of this analysis is identification and enumeration of ichthyoplankton and meroplankton from waterbodies affected by these activities.  Plankton samples are collected by EAI field staff or shipped by clients to EAI’s lab from distant locations.  Fish eggs and larvae and targeted shellfish larvae are then sorted from the samples, enumerated and identified to the lowest practical taxon in accordance with site-specific SOPs.  Resultant data are entered into electronic spreadsheets or databases to facilitate analyses of spatial and temporal patterns.

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