March 1st, 2021 was the official start of sea turtle nesting season, and EAI is eager to survey once again approximately 50 miles of sea turtle nesting beaches in Volusia, Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, and Palm Beach Counties. EAI will also perform piping plover, rufa red knot, and daily shorebird breeding surveys in Broward County.
EAI responds to stranded sea turtles throughout the year and has continued to diminish negative impacts on sea turtles through public outreach and education. This year EAI will host virtual public excavation programs promoting sea turtle awareness. Did you know decreasing artificial light, removing obstructions and filling in holes on the beach before dusk, reducing the use of plastic, picking up trash, disposing of fishing line, and obeying no-wake zones all positively impact sea turtles? Our programs also serve as a friendly reminder that handling sea turtles, hatchlings, or eggs without a permit is prohibited.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on our Virtual Outreach Programs! Events will be created on Facebook three days before the public excavations. Programs are tentatively scheduled to be held on Fridays in June, July, and August at 9 a.m.