Ecological Associates, Inc. | EAI Environmental Services


January 21, 2020

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We are always excited to share the advancements of our existing professionals and the addition of new professionals here at EAI.

Niki Desjardin was promoted from Senior Project Manager to Director of Operations.  Niki has been with EAI since 2005 and her role has been growing with the company ever since. Allie Lamb, who started relatively recently as a Field Technician, has been promoted to Biologist. Congratulations Niki and Allie!

EAI field monitoring veterans Lauren Maline and Joey Pessolano have both accepted full-time positions within our turtle group and we’re now very lucky to have such experience in the group. Congratulations you two!

We’d also like to formally welcome several staff who have joined EAI since our last newsletter. In our environmental resources section, we have three new Senior Scientists – Julie Mitchell, Patrick Murphy, and Jenny Smith, a new Biologist – Justin Fehntrich, and a new Field Technician – Evin Foster. We should note one of our valued, veteran turtle Field Technicians – Tirzah Chichester – has crossed over into our environmental resource group. Welcome all to your new positions!